老宅鬼影 - 励志故事 - 精选故事网


2021-09-20 10:05:09 阅读 :
















Introduce:(one) Wu Shu writes down a be haunted, this message instant turns the channel gully big pool of haven village, the men and women of haven village, everybody is gingerly, terrified and disturbed. Li Banxian is shaking the head of bald, shrivelled shrivelled mouth rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers wears his goatee says: "Clerical home be haunted of that old building is normal. His home that curtilage base, left is a bulrush swings, the right side is 4 rivers, a grave ground is in front; Flood land there are two in the grove that go up still domestic ancestral grave, the …… of courtyard wall door that as it happens of these two ancestral grave writes down the home to Wu Shu " " alas, I say half celestial being you are mean ah! Since you saw, why to tell Wu Shu to write down, let them rebuild courtyard door? " " you are standing to talk not the waist aches, the family is a secretary, I this is old head it is superstitious, dare I say? Do not go to my lane washing brain to endure criticize and denounce sb with respect to quirk. " ground of anger of Li Banxian anger says. Good year thinks also is, this year much work is inferior to little be related. Although the relationship of he and clerical Wu Jiamin is good, proviso writes down old house of the home to have a kind of spooky feeling really, oneself go to clerical home every time occupied, arrive only the secretary sits a little while in a new tile-roofed house that lives 3 times, never go the old house of backyard. Old house because year long disrepair, the house is already worm-eaten, there are clerical parents and two little brothers inside. Wu Jiafu of 2 younger brother is a mental retardation, whats do not know person of more than 20 years old, gawkish, besides giggle or giggle, do not have a thing east run on the west of bump; Pulling the drivel of two run around on sinister intentions all the day, corrupt the head cannot see true skin on the face of dirty face, hair of fungous of a random paddy, turn over wool chicken like what just climbed from henroost. Village person calls him 2 fool: "2 fool, learn a dog a few times to make listen! " he will be none ambiguous ground ask for a favor " tearful bark " the ground cries. Do not see him foolish, learn a dog to cry, the expert good fun that meow, chicken cries is him, cry so that let a person divide not clear true and false sometimes. Wu Jiazheng of 3 younger brother, it is the boy of a know a thing or two, oneself opened store of a small clothing in the village, live in inn to come home rarely in the evening. Because his craftsmanship is fine the person is clever, grow handsomely plus other, fine fine the stature that raises high, white fair and snow-white face, it is girls the Bai Ma in the heart is princely. But he talked about several girlfriends, however one is not concluded. Someone says is him orbit is too tall, also someone says is girls do not look to go up he family of respecting of this family …… , also let really Wu Shu is written down and old 3 brother two feel embarrassed. Foolish the joke that brother is villagers at any time and place, undesigned meeting is offended piece a few it is dispute blame comes. Although the old, old 3

本文标题:老宅鬼影 - 励志故事

上一篇:地下室惊魂 下一篇:夜惊魂之运尸


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